Monday, March 14, 2016


Meeting with Studio Advisor - Linda Montano.

Linda had just returned from a "Duration Festival" in Belfast  -where she had given a three-day workshop & then presented a durational performance - giving life advice as Bob Dylan & had also given a lecture & been in a panel discussion.
So I wanted to hear all about this.
First of all .. I think that it is so amazingly cool & radical to have a "Duration Festival" - period!
Apparently there is a group who meets there in Belfast every month for sessions. The movement was instigated by Alastair MacLennan. I am fascinated by this group ... I want to go & see what they're up to next time I'm in the UK if I can.
Also, it seems that they incorporate a Buddhist-based approach to the work - which makes so much sense for the meditational, mindfulness of durational work - & getting into the zone.
I really want to go!

We also talked about my mother ... & her recovery from a bad fall last October that caused severe concussion - ironically on her way out of the door from having physical therapy.
Amazingly, the story of Linda's father is very similar (but more extreme) ... it seems he had quite a fascist dictator for a physical therapist, who really pushed him  -then he collapsed & hit his head  -which caused a stroke!
Our resulting conversation was about mindfulness - being in the moment. How these people in the medical profession can be so goal-oriented that they lose sight of the real human being they are with & what that individual's needs are in incremental stages from one moment to the next.

The practice of mindfulness - life - art .... all so very connected .. all one & the same.

So then we got onto the subject of my project process/progress.
We talked quite a bit about my up-coming events that are each different facets of the dissemination of my project - plus the collaboration I will be doing in Berlin for "Dialogues" with Robyn Thomas.
... In regards to what I will be doing for the May 15 deadline, Linda instantly visualized my description of the way in which I want to present my journal process as an installation - & had some wonderful ideas for how to set the scene for the viewer/audience - so simple - so effective. I will definitely employ them.

We also talked about my residency on Deal Island MD in February ..... my minimal instinct for response to the environment there.
Which lead to the subject of "less-is-more" etc .... I need to do less.
But actually, I feel like it was good to do "more" at first - because then the "less" has something - something ................... significant

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