Saturday, April 4, 2015

Performance Anxiety - WEEK 2

This week's Performance Anxiety workshop experiment -  tumblr group activity ....
Week 1 - Summary (March 27 - April 3)

Thank you all for embarking on this experimental journey! I’m so happy to have each one of you on board & appreciate your commitment & creative energy.

To summarize the week & engage in dialogue & comments so far ….
We have about ten people who have joined the group - this is a really good size to get a nice variety of input without becoming too chaotic.

I posted an Introduction to explain how the project works, further information about myself, the Transart Institute & how Performance Art is defined in the post Who? What? Then I introduced the underlying Creative Theme of Place, Space, Site: Real & Virtual Locations ………. It seems that everyone is clear on all this “setting the scene” information - but please ask if you still have any basic questions.

Robyn had some thoughts in regards to the creative theme …. Robyn, your inclination to want to separate with the distinctions of “real” & “virtual” worlds totally makes sense in this current time - & that the references to “location” & “site” are embedded into language in a way that now seems kind of out-dated.

RESEARCH POD 1 - Beginnings (Futurist, Dadaist, Surrealist performance)

Robyn - thanks for sending the link for 8x8 Chess Sonata. And yes, although made in 1957, it certainly has much more of an early European Avant Garde sensibility than other American art films of the time (such as early Kenneth Anger etc) … Of course there is the direct link to the Dadaists with Jean Arp being involved. It addresses “performance” in more than one way … As you pointed out, the wonderful scene of Calder in his studio becomes all about the performance of objects - they become characters & their actions are performative, as well as his interactions with them. There is also the question of performance on film - as an “actor’s” performance becomes part of the medium of film itself - but then there are also performance actions that take place that are not just “acting” & which do belong to the realm of “performance art” on film. (a whole specific topic for discussion perhaps!)

ACTION POD 1 - Finding The Essence

Madalyn & Tesa - in the real-time/space session at WWC, we experimented with a brief “Head, Face & Hand Dance” based on “If Marilyn Monroe were a cocktail - what would it be?” - A Cosmopolitan - which is: Strong, Sassy, Sexy - but in a glass that is Unstable & Breakable ………. Robyn gave a very evocative thought poem about “If I were a season” - with very subtle & specific shades of Autumn. I’m wondering if you experimented with any simple action based on the descriptive terms you developed?

ACTION POD 2 - Exploring Space

I love the fact that there were two so totally different responses to this …. worlds apart! - Madalyn’s exploration of the small world of her bathroom & the one continuous minimal gesture of unwinding the toilet roll! I found the sound to be quite effective in its insistence. (One note Madalyn - don’t get confused between naming the Research & Action PODS when you title your results!) … Then Mariana’s transportive images of figure & rock, water, sky - finding small & open spaces in the landscape for bodily interaction …….. With both Madalyn & Mariana‘s result posts, I’d like to know more about the process from instructions - to experiment - to results.

SO NOW … onto WEEK 2 (Friday April 3 - Friday April 10)

Read the instructions for RESEARCH POD 2, ACTION POD 3 & ACTION POD 4, experiment & see what happens … post your results before next Friday …. don’t forget to title your result posts: Name’s / Research or Action / POD # / Result

Looking forward ………

EXPERIMENTS for WEEK 2 (Friday April 3 - Friday April 10)


An extremely influential art movement during the 1960s & going into the 70s, with many renowned artists involved.
Performance was an integral element of the Fluxus movement.
Research to see what you can discover about performance in the Fluxus movement. Find information about some of the key artists & events … & perhaps dig around to see if you can unearth some lesser known performative actions associated with Fluxus.

1. Floor Massage / Cat Stretch - a “Body Tuning” warm-up

2. Quality Of Motion - an exploration of opposing movement qualities

3. Abstracting Adverbs - a “Creative Response” game
A complementary trio of experiments - each one prepares body & mind for the next.

Focus on AIR.

1. Body Soundz 1

2. Breath

3. Environmental Response 1 (Atmosphere)

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